Author: In Balance Counseling

types of anxiety disorders

What Are the 6 Types of Anxiety Disorders?

What are the 6 types of anxiety disorders? If you’ve ever felt like your nerves are a highwire act, teetering between calm and chaos, you’re not alone. 

As the go-to provider of counseling services in Tucson, we at In Balance Counseling have seen several people grapple with mental challenges. The first step toward conquering them is through an accurate diagnosis. Call us at 520-722-9631 to learn more about our counseling services.

What’s the Difference Between Anxiety and an Anxiety Disorder?

Anxiety, in its simplest form, is a normal response to stress or danger. It’s that edge-of-your-seat sensation when you’re about to give a speech or take a big test.

An anxiety disorder is a whole different ball game. Anxiety disorder is when the feeling becomes a constant, uninvited guest in your life, showing up unannounced and overstaying its welcome.

Anxiety’s Many Faces

What are the 6 types of anxiety disorders? If any of these seem familiar, you might need to consider getting a proper evaluation:

1. Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Do everyday problems seem like insurmountable mountains to you? Aside from excessive worry, GAD can also induce:

  • Irritability
  • Poor sleep quality
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Muscle tension
  • General fatigue

You don’t have to sweep your difficulties under the rug and chalk them up as “day-to-day stress.” Persistent symptoms that last for over a year should catch your attention.

2. Panic Disorder

This disorder describes recurrent periods of psychological and physical distress. Common symptoms of a panic attack include rapid heart rate, trembling, sweating, light-headedness, and nausea.

You’re more likely to experience this if your family has a history of the ailment, but it can also manifest following traumatic experiences.

3. Phobia-Related Disorders

Any persistent fear or discomfort from specific objects or situations falls under this umbrella. Even normally innocuous things like spiders, elevators, or heights can provoke an intense, irrational fear. 

4. Separation Anxiety Disorder

Excessive fear or worry at the thought of being away from home or loved ones is characteristic of separation anxiety disorder. If it lasts a long time and becomes obstructive to your daily life, it could be more than just missing someone. 

5. Social Anxiety Disorder

Previously called social phobia, this disorder is about fearing social interactions. If you dread stepping on the party dance floor or speaking up in meetings, you might have it. The fear of being judged or humiliated in public can become so intense that it can cause blushing, sweating, or feeling sick.

6. Agoraphobia

Do crowded or new environments make your pulse race and your palms go clammy? Do you avoid public transportation or open areas? Agoraphobia is an intense fear of leaving your safe space.

Start Your Journey Towards Recovery

What are the 6 types of anxiety disorders, and which ones do you think affect you? People experience anxiety in different ways, so it makes sense that there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. In Balance Counseling has you covered.

From cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to motivational interviewing, we provide various routes to self-discovery and healing.Dial 520-722-9631 or explore our blog and discover the right therapy for anxiety disorder.

misconceptions about addiction

4 Common Misconceptions About Addiction

Do you have a loved one struggling with substance abuse or addiction? Any addiction presents a complicated problem that requires professional treatment. Those experiencing it tend to have little understanding of how it works and how hard getting sober is, which makes misconceptions about addiction commonplace. Is that why so many people create a general stigma surrounding addicts? 

Perhaps learning the truth behind these myths can improve the perception of dependence or even enhance general treatment approaches. In Balance Counseling services in Tucson focus on helping people conquer addiction and address underlying issues. Below, the team discusses four myths about addiction and how to break the cycle.

Myth #1: Someone Can Quit Their Addiction At Any Time

One of the most common misconceptions about addiction is that anyone can stop their addiction at any time. Even the strongest willpower cannot overcome addiction, particularly after the addiction has caused physical and psychological damage. Quitting on your own is almost impossible.

Instead, individualized attention from a substance abuse professional can prove invaluable in quitting an addiction. Counseling helps people address the underlying factors and gain the tools they need to get clean after extensive clinical treatments and integrative therapeutic approaches.

Myth #2: You Can’t Help People With Addictions

Many people believe that anyone addicted to drugs must be beyond help. However, all people with substance abuse disorders can get better, whether that’s through professional help and appropriate support from family members or other things that make a positive impact on someone with an addiction

Encouraging self-care is a great practice to promote increased self-worth in someone with low self-esteem, depression, or other underlying factors contributing to an addiction. Professional drug counselors also provide resources for coping with addiction, supporting loved ones with addiction, and navigating rehabilitation.

Myth #3: Happy People Aren’t Addicts

Another common misconception about addiction is that upbeat, happy people can’t be addicts. While death, job loss, illness, and divorce are all risk factors for addiction, they’re only some of the factors behind substance abuse issues. 

Even a person who leads a fulfilled life can develop an addiction! For example, a team like In Balance Counseling sees seemingly functional people struggle with factors such as:

  • Past trauma
  • Genetic predispositions
  • Mental health concerns

Don’t let the smile fool you; people with successful careers and loving families can still be susceptible to addiction. 

Myth #4: All Addiction Treatments Take the Same Tack

There’s a mindset that all addiction treatment involves the same thing. In reality, addiction is a nuanced condition, and so is the treatment each person needs.

Treating substance use disorders requires a thorough understanding of the mechanisms behind the particular addiction. For example, someone with an addiction stemming from childhood trauma would require quite specific therapeutic approaches and counseling to move beyond it.

The Truth About Addiction: Help Is Possible, and You Can Move Forward

Are you or someone you love struggling with addiction? In Balance Counseling provides addiction treatment in Tucson, AZ, including exercise to support addiction recovery. We’re striving to dispel misconceptions about addiction and help people lead their best lives, so contact 520-722-9631 to learn more!

how to get someone to go to therapy

How to Get Someone to Go to Therapy for Their Own Good

Are you concerned about a loved one’s mental health? You might wonder how to get someone to go to therapy if they don’t want help.

In Balance Counseling provides counseling services in Tucson, AZ. Keep reading to discover how we suggest you approach this difficult conversation. For help, or to learn more, contact us at 520-722-9631.

Prepare for the Discussion

To prepare for the conversation, consider your own boundaries. How much are you willing to share about your own experiences, and how much time and energy can you dedicate toward helping the person?

Find a comfortable and private space to have the conversation, turn off your phones to avoid interruptions, and make sure you schedule plenty of time so you won’t feel rushed.

Whether you’re approaching someone about couples therapy or finding help with an addiction, researching therapists beforehand can help you suggest tangible options.

Use “I” Statements

To help maintain a non-judgemental approach, focus on how you want to help and why you’re worried about the person. Instead of using statements like “you make me feel angry,” use I-focused statements, such as “I feel worried when I see you can’t stop drinking.” 

These statements help a person feel more cared for than attacked, and they’re more likely to listen rather than become defensive.

Choose Good Timing

Choose a time free of distractions such as hunger, their to-do list, or children. After dinner when the children are in bed, but before they get too tired, is an excellent time to schedule this difficult conversation.

Share Personal Experience

If you’re wondering how to get someone to go to therapy, try sharing your own experience. Don’t violate your boundaries, but sharing how therapy can help you is a great tactic for convincing someone else to go. Frame the story in the following way:

  • Any doubts you had before going to therapy
  • What you struggled with, and how it negatively impacted your life
  • What you experienced during the process
  • How has your life better since the treatment

Offer Logistical Help

Sometimes, the biggest thing keeping someone from seeking therapy is all the logistical challenges. If you can offer to help with some of the following, they might be more likely to seek therapy:

  • Researching therapists
  • Transportation
  • Insurance and payment

Don’t Go Too Far

Seeking mental health treatment is a personal decision, and many people bring a complicated combination of skepticism, motivation, financial issues, and other factors to the conversation. While it’s important the person knows you care about them and believe therapy will make their life better, know when to stop the conversation.

Maybe all you can do is plant the seed, or maybe you can fully convince them. But if they start feeling agitated or angry, end the discussion.

Let In Balance Counseling 

Are you still wondering how to get someone to go to therapy? It’s a difficult conversation, but In Balance Counseling can help.

If you or a loved one are seeking therapy, In Balance Counseling offers compassionate and knowledgeable mental health treatment. To book an appointment, call 520-722-9631 today.

We’re here for you
Contact us today to enhance your self-esteem, clarify your values, and improve life in every way possible.
Personal Success Stories

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  • "I came to In Balance a year ago after failing four major inpatient treatment centers for alcohol and drug abuse going back to 1989. I was so sick that I barely remember coming. In Balance has given me my life back. I truly feel like I have been given a second chance at life."

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  • "In Balance has given me a new respect for life. It’s a fun and safe place to be. I experienced many different forms of therapy to keep it interesting. Thank you everyone."

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  • "For me, the diversity of the program was a big plus. The groups were very helpful and supportive. The experiential components were important to learn how to be active in recovery and sobriety."

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